When it comes to 2020, it’s been a rollercoaster of a year. Closures, restrictions and taking precautions to stay safe have limited our activities. One consistent activity that we have all been able to do, however, is explore the great outdoors, while abiding by the social distancing rules, of course.

This blog post will explain the benefits that come with exploring Somerset and the surrounding areas, and where you can go when staying at the Apple Tree Hotel.

The Great Outdoors in Somerset

Somerset and the surrounding locations are home to some of the most beautiful and serene outdoor spaces in England. From seeing native wildlife to exploring nature walks, there is something for everyone in the great outdoors.

  • 1. Hidden Exercise

The first benefit of venturing outdoors is that while you are enjoying the scenery and wildlife, you will be exercising. This is extremely beneficial if you have kids as well, as they will have a good night’s sleep after walking around for a while.

  • 2. Regain Your Focus

A break outside, fresh air in your lungs and nature to explore is a valuable way to regain your focus. If you are feeling stressed, overworked or if you can’t concentrate, a leisurely walk around some outdoor attractions will leave you feeling recharged and energised.

  • 3. Improve Your Mood

A change of scenery and walking in nature is said to increase your mood. Spend time outdoors, either by yourself or with your family, and your mood is sure to improve.

  • 4. Relax

For some of us, in 2020, our personal and professional space have been combined, which means that you might never feel switched off. Being outside, exploring the great outdoors gives you a chance to unwind and relax. Disconnect from the outside world and focus on what is around you in the moment.

  • 5. Health

Many health benefits come with being outdoors. Some studies say that you can reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes while spending time outside. Additional studies say how spending time outdoors can reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and help with immunity, boost creativity and more.


There are so many places to safety explore, for example, Glastonbury Tor is an evocative landmark which offers stunning 360-degree views of the Somerset levels and more. If you want to explore what Somerset and the surrounding areas have to offer, you can contact a member of the dedicated Apple Tree Hotel team and book a room today.


Glastonbury Tor’s countryside space is currently open when writing this, make sure to check the availability of your outdoor space before heading there.