If you are seeking an area of outstanding natural beauty, fantastic views and walking holidays then look no further than The Quantock Hills. Located a stone’s throw away from Apple Tree
Hotel, The Quantock Hills boast panoramic views across the hills. Measuring twelve miles by four this picturesque wooded area gives you spectacular views to see as far as the Bristol Channel to South Wales.

Whether you enjoy rambling through the woodland trails, cycling, horse-riding or just inhaling the fresh outdoor air The Quantock Hills are the perfect place to visit.

All year round you can find a variety of wonderful wildlife from Exmoor ponies at Cothelstone Hill to the illusive wild herds of red deer within the woodland. For the keen bird watcher woodpeckers, wood warblers, pied flycatchers and nightjars are dotted around along with buzzards circling the skies for their prey.

Whether you want a quiet romantic walk, are a keen rambler or you are looking to do something with your friends or family, the Quantocks have a walk for you. From deep wooded areas of ash, hazel and oak, crystal clear streams running along the hillsides to open heathlands covering the hilltops there is an array of red waymarked trails to follow.

For a short walk we’d recommend Cothelstone Hill walk. With the walking distance of 2.5 miles (4km) and taking approximately 1.5 hours, it is known for its ‘Three bronze age burial mounds’ and the remains of Folly Tower. You will also see a herd of Exmoor ponies clustering around a clump of beech trees known as the ‘Seven Sisters’. During the springtime, the woodland ground comes alive with a carpet of bluebells and on a clear day the views are spectacular.

For a longer walk, The Coleridge Way is highly recommended. The 51mile (82km) route begins in Nether Stowey, crosses the Quantocks, the Brendon Hills and Exmoor, finishing in Lynmouth. This trail is not for the faint-hearted taking up to 4 – 5 days, but you will be sure to enjoy some astounding views.

Cycling and mountain biking

Triscombe, at the southern end of the Quantocks, boasts a multitude of challenging downhill
descents accompanied by a steady climb. Depending on the weather and your fitness level you will be sure to make a couple runs, taking in the views and inhaling the fresh air. The Quantock hills contain a myriad of trails that offer something to all levels of mountain bikers.

If you have a passion for horses and riding through Somerset’s unspoilt countryside, there are a variety of riding schools surrounding the Quantock area. For horse riding you can try the local Quantock Livery or Quantock Horse Riding. Horse riding offers a unique way to explore the outstanding views and scenery.

The Quantocks offers some excellent picnicking and barbecue sites where you can sit and relax whilst taking in the views over the Bristol Channel or across Somerset. Ranscombe Great Wood is a lovely spot to relax or for play and family fun. With a lovely grassy space beside a shallow stream, ample parking spaces (including disabled parking), brick barbecues and designated picnic tables you will have everything you could possibly need for the perfect family day out.

The Quantock Hills attracts walkers, cyclists, horse riders and people that simply admire nature. The Quantocks are an Area of outstanding beauty with deep combes, rising hilltops, it has an immense variety of beautiful views and wildlife for the family to enjoy all year round.